Author: Axecaster

Website update

Spent a few days this week tweaking the look and functionality of the Axecaster store. Nothing ground breaking on the appearance side, just some minor adjustments and additions to make the store less cluttered on the screen. Functionality however has been improved. We have now reintroduced the Paypal Express checkout button, so customers may pay […]



Apologies for the lack of updates – we are waiting for a very large Mighty Mite shipment and a shipment of new hardware. Unfortunately the Mighty Mite shipment has been delayed twice already but is now expected around August 20th (fingers crossed). The hardware shipment, with a few new lines, is expected around the first […]


A week on…

A little update on Esquire #1 after a week of living/playing. I’m still very happy with it! I’m used to my US Std partscaster at 8 1/2 lbs, so I thought the very light Esquire may feel like a toy. Not so. The weight is fantastic, and the guitar is well balanced. Like the US […]
