I am curious if there is any interest in us stocking unlacquered bakelite pickguards? Obviously price will have a bearing, but is the thought of lacquering them yourself off-putting? I’m quite taken with the raw appearance – this is how they come on the Japanese TL52. What say you?
Author: Axecaster
Mighty Mite have received the long awaited container and are unloading/cataloguing and sorting out everyone’s orders. Our order should ship sometime next week (hopefully early) and will be here sometime during the week starting 23rd. Fingers crossed a) everything we have ordered is in stock and b) our order ships Monday/Tuesday. Have a good weekend!
These have actually been in stock for a while but taking getting good photos for the site has delayed listing them. The photos now are not exactly pro quality but they will do for now! Available in both resin and graphite at bargain prices. Have a good weekend!
Same as our split shaft versions but with a mount hole for 6.35mm / 1/4″ solid shaft pots Available in dome and flat top versions in chrome and nickel. Check them out in the store.
The blog is getting about 3000 spam comments a day! I have filters set up, so most go straight to the spam folder. However as there are so many, the occasional real comment may also end up in the spam folder and be hidden amongst the chafe. So please don’t think I’m ignoring you – […]
I am pleased to say we are expanding our range of Allparts Fender licensed necks and can now offer them at even better prices! For Strats we currently have SMO-21 SMO-C SMO-FAT SMO-V and for Teles TMO TMO-FAT TMO-V (with TMO-C on the way). All are £119.99 except the FATs which are £127.99. A few […]
I have received word that the next shipment is still about 3 weeks out – “it’s on the water”. Last night I received an email with the new pricelist, to find that Mighty Mite have increased dealer prices for the second time this year. I can’t absorb another increase so when the new stock arrives […]
Rain, rain, go away, come back another day (but not until Tuesday please!) It must be the August Bank Holiday weekend! The schedule for shipping from today is as follows: Any courier items ordered after 11am today will not ship until Tuesday 27th. This reflects the cut-off time for booking UPS and collections by Collect+ […]
Back in July the Music Radar (should that be one word?) forums were taken down due to a malicious attack. They are still gone! A few of the regulars took it upon themselves to start a board to cater to the suddenly homeless membership. The Fretboard. (How that name and domain have never been snapped […]
You know our very popular Hardtail Hipshot style bridge? You of course know by now that it is a drop in replacement on the Fender Classic Player La Cabronita. Did you know it is also a drop in replacement on the Fender Blacktop Telecaster HH? Now you do!
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